MTA Travel Solutons as a 100% costa rican company has a total commitment towards sustainable tourism, which has and will continue to be a priority in our organizaton.
Our company has implemented many projects, procedures and policies with the intenton to be socially responsible and a sustainable organization. We cover three main aspects: the environment, social responsibility and our people.
The degradation of the environment has no boundaries. In MTA Travel Solutions we are highly committed to respect and to take care of the environment according to the established sustainable tourism policies. We also promote these policies among our personnel, providers and clients.
Although there are moments in which we don’t notice it clearly, our environment is part of ourselves that is why we should take care of it;
we can let it deteriorate. In MTA Travel Solutions we believe that we can make the difference and to contribute to live in a better world, that is why we choose the sustainable tourism.
Sustainability, as a model of development, seeks to meet the current demands of society without compromising the rights of future genera-ons to meet theirs. That is to say, the development of the country cannot be based on the unbalanced exploita-on of resources (natural, cultural, social, etc.) to meet the demands of society (food, housing, health, employment) because these are the only resources we have, and that future genera-ons have, to meet our and their own needs.