Monteverde is a zone of extraordinary beauty, blessed by nature’s considerable gifts: lush emerald valleys and amazing cloud forests harboring a multitude of spectacular bird and plant life, is one of the areas with most wildlife diversity in Costa Rica. We offer you a wide variety of one day tours from Monteverde filled with lifetime memories.
This adventure will last approximately two hours for a stretch of twenty kilometers, between private trails and country roads. This route can vary depending to the weather conditions and the ability of the participants. During the tour, it will be possible to observe the abundant flora and fauna of this region, which is very particular since it is located on the continental divide. From there, you will be able to enjoy a spectacular view of the Gulf of Nicoya, and on a clear day, you will be able to see Arenal Lake and Volcano. Half way through the trek, we will take a short break for picture taking, and then we shall continue through the trails and local farms until returning.
Recommendations: Hiking boots or tennis shoes, short or long pants, repellent and camera.
The tour consists in taking tourists to the school, where visitors will dance with typical rhythms. Afterwards, there is the opportunity to share and exchange cultures in the classrooms. If the group wish to add lunch to this experience, and share with a Costa Rican family, it might be advise. The option of visiting a family and have lunch with them is available, please ask our agents.
Recommendations: Comfortable shoes, short or long pants, repellent and camera.
“Of all the animals that have conquered the aerial space, the hummingbird is the one that best dominates the art of flying” After a warm welcome on behalf of the company’s personnel, we can go and enjoy the magical hummingbird garden. During our stay in the garden, we will be surrounded by the enchantment of the cloud forest: trees covered in epiphytes, moss, vines and likens will be our scenery, and mainly the fast visit of our winged visitors. The garden counts with benches where we can sit and enjoy of the relaxing enchantment of this magical forest as well as water fountains, multicolor flowers and of course the feeders, that will be the ones in charges of attracting individuals of more than 14 species of hummingbirds, which will amuse us with their aerial maneuvers so close to us that in occasions we will feel the hum of their wings passing close to our ears, their feathers with many colors many times metallic, will change the colors depending of the angle the light hits the feathers , amusing us even more. Our visit will not have any time limit, therefore we will be the ones deciding in what moment we have relaxed enough and we feel we are prepared to abandon the enchantments of the garden and return to reality.
Recommendations: Hiking boots or tennis shoes, repellent and camera.
An explanation of the Project is given on the tour about the elements involved in the transition from conventional dairy farming to the green dairy or environmentally-friendly. Each participant has the opportunity to try and milk a cow with his/her hands. The story of this economical activity in the Monteverde area.
Cheese production:
An explanation of the history of the cheese. The treatment to milk before preparing cheese is also explained. The cheese is done in an artisan way in which each participant may get involved in it.
Feeding of calves:
Tourists feed the calves with a bottle.
At the end of the tour you are invited to enjoy a cup of coffee.
Recommendations: Hiking boots or tennis shoes, short or long pants, repellent and camera.
Recommendations: Comfortable pants, comfortable shirt, jacket and tennis shoes.
Our tour begins with the warn welcome of our guide in the park installations. After getting to meet the guide, we will walk approximately 5 minutes until arriving to a mural in the middle of the forest, where the guide will use the images on the mural to explain the greater part of these interesting insects, as well as the way they are born and all the process they must pass to get to be an adult. After getting to know a little bit about the butterflies and their life, we can then proceed to visit the interior of the garden where the wonderful butterflies develop in their natural environment, here we can observe them flying, eating, or inclusive with a little luck, even being born. Our guide will explain how each of the species survive in their natural habitat: where they live, what they feed on, the way in which they defend themselves from predators, how they reproduce, etc. , also why they are important in nature and why we have to protect them . The tour takes about one hour. In total we will visit 3 cubicles of 120 square meters each, in the first one is installed the reproduction laboratory, the next with the larger species and the next with smaller species, but all equally interesting and full of color by the presence of the butterflies as by the plants and flowers in the gardens. We will have the time we need in each of the cubicles to take pictures and to interact with these friendly insects. At the end of our colorful route, our guide will thank our assistance and we can leave the installations, with a great new knowledge acquired.
Recommendations: Hiking boots or tennis shoes, repellent and camera.
This unforgettable experience will allow you to meet and share with a peasant family and learn from our culture. You will be able to learn about the process of the sugar cane until you get the sugar on your table. You will also see banana, coffee process and other plantations.
Recommendations: Comfortable shoes, short or long pants, repellent and camera.
In this Cloud Forest Reserve you will have more opportunity to see birds. You could also see the wonderful Arenal Volcano and the Guanacaste lowlands.
Recommendations: Hiking boots or tennis shoes, short or long pants, repellent and camera.
We will start off by riding through private trails and country roads for a total duration of two hours. During the tour, it will be possible to observe the abundant flora and fauna of this region, which is very particular since it is located on the continental divide. From there, you will be able to enjoy a spectacular view of the Gulf of Nicoya, and on a clear day, you will be able to see Arenal Lake and Volcano. Half way through the trek, we will take a short break for picture taking, and then we shall continue through the trails and local farms until returning.
Recommendations: Hiking boots or tennis shoes, long pants, repellent and camera.
The Rain Forest Aerial Tram will take you on a fascinating tour through the tall tropical tree-tops that offers you the chance to see wildlife found only within the canopy system. Home to two-thirds of all rain forest species, this hanging garden of plants and animals is a magical world of rare beauty and amazing biological diversity. After a short hike through the lush wilderness, you will enjoy a 1¼ hour ride in the tram, and then enjoy a delicious typical lunch and still have time to relax and browse in the souvenir shop at the tram base.
Recommendations: Comfortable pants, comfortable shirt, jacket and tennis shoes.
This tour lasts approximately two hours through a 3-kilometer long route. The Hanging bridges offer the opportunity to observe the forest from different perspectives. Both our trails and eight suspension bridges, will take you through the abundant natural biodiversity of the area. This is a stroll where all the family can participate, since the trails are easy to walk and the height of the bridges is average to avoid any sense of vertigo. At the end of tour, we will offer you the opportunity to climb a Fichus tree (from the inside), and the bold ones, may have the option of jumping from a Tarzan Swing.
Recommendations: Hiking boots or tennis shoes, short or long pants, repellent and camera.
Enjoy a four hour nature tour through the renowned Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve where a local professional naturalist guide will show and explain you of all the different macro/micro flora and fauna. Visit the Golden Toad's unique habitat, see birds like the Resplendent Quetzal (the most beautiful bird of the Americas), the Three-wattled Bell Bird, and the Black Faced Solitaire. Trees like Strangler Figs, Avocados and Cecropias. Epiphytes like Bromeliads, Orchids and Mosses. And a wide array of insects, mammals and reptiles.
Recommendations: Hiking boots or tennis shoes, short or long pants, repellent and camera.
We will begin by climbing a wide metal staircase leading to the first platform. You will then slide through six more cables of different length and height, until arriving to the “rappel” section, where you will slide downwards at an exhilarating speed. After three more cables full of flying adventure, we will arrive to “Tarzan’s Swing,” another exciting part of this tour, which consists of a type of swing, where you can swing up to 30 meters up on the air. On this part of tour, you will be able to take photos, as well as rest as your tour companions catch up with you. Once this segment is concluded, we will embark on a short walk of 300 meters, which will take us to another section of the property with three additional cables. One of them is 400 meters long. This part of tour is famous for having longer and higher cables, giving you the opportunity to enjoy the landscape and natural beauty of the area, with trees aerial ferns, bromeliads, orchids, birds and other animals. As we finish this section, we will make ours second walk to the last cable, the longest and highest one, encompassing 600 meters in length and a height of 80 meters.
Recommendations: Hiking boots or tennis shoes, short or long pants, repellent and camera.
© 2023. Miki Travel Agency - MTA Travel Solutions. San José, Costa Rica.
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